May 1Liked by Katie - Basic B's Guide

Okay so much to debrief 😂 first, for non-fiction I just picked up If You Live to 100, You Might as Well be Happy on a whim on indie bookstore day and it sounds delightful. Second, I’m also struggling with the narrators on How to End a Love Story! I don’t have a physical so I’ve been trying to power through but I’m so glad I’m not alone. The male is ok but when he does the female voice it’s so icky to me. Finally, I also slogged 100 pages into my arc of The Ministry of Time and it also hurt my brain!! I had to set it down. I struggle to DNF, especially with how much mental energy I’ve invested here but I haven’t had a desire to pick it back up. 🫣

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Thanks for the nonfiction recommendation. I’ll check it out. I’m currently reading Knife by Salman Rushdie and enjoying it.

There are two narrators for Love Story. I’m a big fan of the male narrator but the female narrator needs relax a bit. You’ll have to let me know if she loosens up.

Also sometimes I say I’m just setting down a book rather than dnf’ing. It gives room for us to decide if we’re called back to it or not.

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May 2Liked by Katie - Basic B's Guide

Yes! I call it DNFY— the Y for YET! 😂

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Ohhh I dig it.

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May 8Liked by Katie - Basic B's Guide

Any update on if you liked The Five Year Lie?

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Not yet but I’m anxious to get to it. I got distracted by a couple of other books.

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I enjoyed listening to your predictions, I'm curious about The Ministry of Time and The Five Year Lie. May is looking good!!

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Sample Ministry and let me know what you think.

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It was great hearing your predictions, and I had to laugh when you mentioned that when you think a book is going to be a good one for you, you don't pick it up—you hoard it! Same here! 😂

I’ve been looking forward to reading The Return of Ellie Black, and now after listening to this will be adding The Five Year Lie!

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